For the last few months CCGHT has been developing a new Management Plan for Antrim Coast & Glens AONB, working on behalf of the AONB’s Management Forum.

This new 10 year Management Plan will help to guide the management, conservation and celebration of this important area, presenting a vision and key objectives for the AONB over the next decade. The Plan will highlight the outstanding landscape, natural, built and cultural heritage of the Antrim Coast and Glens area and will outline the issues and challenges it faces.

CCGHT Officer Rachael has been hard at work meeting with key stakeholders and Management Forum members learning more about the opportunities and issues affecting the AONB and gaining inspiration for future projects and activities to improve and protect this special landscape.

Rachael is looking forward to the next step in the development process, reaching out to AONB residents, visitors and community groups to find out your thoughts and suggestions on how AONB management can be improved and how the AONB can better benefit local communities.

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