Heart of the Glens
Causeway Coast & Glens Heritage Trust
What was The Heart of The Glens Landscape Partnership?
Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust in 2014 successfully secured funding to deliver £1.8m worth of built, natural and cultural heritage projects within the Antrim Glens. An amazing £1.4 came from National Lottery Heritage Fund with additional funding support from Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust, NI Environment Agency (DAERA), local Councils. Considerable in-kind contributions including 1000’s of volunteer hours and all manner of professional services were donated freely.

River Quality Monitoring Volunteering
Landscape Conservation Action Plan
The landscape partnership team set about delivery in partnership with Communities, schools, tourism businesses, Councils and more to deliver on over 66 projects, each contributing to a last legacy and greater connectivity with the Landscape and its heritage.
In the lead up to the project (2012 – 14) CCGHT drew together base line information and identified the needs the of the landscape and its people. Built, natural and cultural assets were assessed against risks and potential, then suite of actions were proposed in a Landscape Conservation Action Plan (downloadable from the Resources page). Projects within the plan helped to address heritage conservation, and enhancement actions. People who live work and visit the area enjoyed innovative ways to engage with The Glens heritage ultimately leaving a legacy for future generations.

Programme Celebration Tree Planting at Glenarriff Feb 2020
Evaluation and Outputs
Projects within the plan helped to address heritage conservation, and enhancement actions. People who live work and visit the area enjoyed innovative ways to engage with The Glens heritage ultimately leaving a legacy for future generations.
A booklet of the Full Evaluation of the Heart of The Glens Landscape Partnership Scheme (LPS)

The Landscape Partnership created …
- New access routes through farmland, woodland, and wildflower meadows at 11 sites along the Causeway Coastal route.
- Digital access and information on walking routes, including village walks.
- Educational and information resources that can be found digitally on this web site and on CCGHT’s main web site. [Download the document “A Door into the Mythological Landscape of the Glens of Antrim” from the Resources page.]
- Opportunities for community volunteering and community tools library.
- Training opportunities across the glens in a range of heritage themes, including many accredited courses.
- Heritage Tourism networks.
- Photographic library
- 3 videos that celebrate the rich heritage, the legacy of the project and a snapshot of experiences and access. These are shown above on this page, and also are available on our YouTube channel.
How can I get involved or where do I get more information about Heritage?
Contacting Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust is your gateway to more information.
The Trust supports built, natural and cultural heritage projects from the Gobbins in the East to Limavady on the North West. With financial support from a range of organisations, CCGHT acts as a community animator; facilitating training and events in heritage skills, development of public access, supporting Heritage based tourism, working with the communities, land owners and farmers to best care for the landscape assets and delivering a programme of public events and information.
What do I do if I have a heritage idea or want to get involved?
Many of the projects support by the Heart of the Glens LPS started of life as a good idea. Ronan’s way in Cushendun was the idea of a young Glens man wanting to give access to the farmland he loved. The repurposing of the old townhall, today an award-winning Heritage hub for the community and visitors alike began as someone’s heritage idea. So, please do not keep a good idea to yourself, come and work in partnership. Email enquiries@ccght.org.

Leading the way to care for The Heritage of the Glens and Causeway Coastal area, costs many thousands of pounds, often our funding needs to be matched. Much of our resources are given freely, but you can help.
- care for 15 trees in our outdoor learning zones at a one school
- help to monitor the new swift boxes in Ballycastle
- a squirrel feeding box
- help provide free information to anyone from our web site for 1 year
- care for 150 trees in outdoor learning zones at 10 schools.
- provide a calling box for swift boxes in Ballycastle
- help monitor rare and endangered species such as otters.
- help monitor and tackle invasive species in the Glens
- help us to provide heritage tools for a community group or school for 1 year