On Wednesday 3rd May 2017, CCGHT and partners met in the historic Mussenden Temple at the heart of the Binevenagh Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) to launch the area’s new 2017-22 Action Plan.
The new action plan sets out how partners will approach AONB management in the area over the next five years. Actions aim to conserve the special landscape qualities of the area, protect natural and built heritage assets, provide and maintain public access to the area (where appropriate) and promote the area as a unique destination and experience.
A digital copy of the new plan can be accessed at the following link.
The Binevenagh Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Management Forum is made up of representatives of a wide variety of public, private and voluntary sector organisations with a keen interest in protecting and promoting the Binevenagh AONB. The group meets on average three times per year at venues throughout the AONB. To contact the group please email info@ccght.org (stating Binevenagh AONB in the subject line). The group is currently chaired by local resident and Chair of Castlerock Community Association – Mike Jones.
Following the meeting in Mussenden Temple, the National Trust kindly offered partners a guided walk of Downhill Demesne. This was followed by a special boat trip with Causeway Lass down the River Bann from Coleraine to Downhill Beach.