Causeway Coast & Glens Heritage Trust is on the move this Friday! With the prospect of 4 additional Landscape Partnership Scheme staff in the new year our Board of Di...
The second round of Fixed Point Photography took place in August / September. The photos taken are compared with the first round in January / February below. Benone Grazing Scheme...
Environment Minister Mark H Durkan made the announcement today at the Challenge Fund celebration event held at Skainos, Belfast The Challenge Fund provides vital funding for commu...
The iconic Glens of Antrim are to be the focus of a new project thanks to the £1.4million grant, which was awarded to the Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust (CCGHT) through H...
Caption: Liz Wallace WELB Field Officer at Magilligan Field Centre, welcomed Gerry Mullan Mayor of Limavady, (l-r) Paddy Mackey WELB Senior Education Officer, Ian Humphries Chief E...
When the temperature drops, heating bills can soar, meaning that staying warm can have a sizeable impact on your back pocket. According to the Woodland Trust, hundreds of people a...
On Monday 2nd September CCGHT staff member Miss Nikki Maguire travelled to Italy to attend the 12th European Geopark Network Conference, attended by representatives of established...
The Western Education and Library Board (WELB) is delighted to announce that its Curriculum Advisory and Support Service (CASS) facility at Magilligan Field Centre (MFC) has pilote...
Our free trees are good for bees . . . and schools, youth groups and community groups The Woodland Trust is giving away free packs of native trees to schools, youth groups and co...
Causeway Coast & Glens Heritage Trust in conjunction with Rachel Bain, Biodiversity Officer for Moyle, Ballymoney, Limavady and Coleraine councils led a group of walkers across...