CCGHT, working with TourismNI, want to identify four charged-for experiences which are currently operating or could feasibly be brought to market, which add to the tourism offering in Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council and/or Mid and East Antrim Borough Council area.
An award of £500 is available for each successful applicant (x4). The award is intended to help the experience be brought to market, run on a more regular basis or for product promotion. The experience could be already happening but not regularly, it could be an additional offering to an established portfolio of activities or could be a partnership between providers creating an enhanced experiential product; CCGHT will consider all applications against qualifying criteria.
You can submit your application via email, post or completion of the online form.
Post: CCGHT, The Old Bank, 27 Main Street, Armoy, BT538SL
If you have any questions of queries please ring Nikki on 02820752100, 07718192402 or email on